Ostatecznie dla należycie zorganizowanego umysłu śmierć to tylko początek nowej wielkiej przygody.


P. Renouvin, J. B. Duroselle, Introductton a l'histoire des relatlons internatlonales, paris 1964, s. S. H. B. Cattel, The Principle of Cultitre Patterns Discoui3-rable in the Syntal Dimensions of Esi&ting Nations, „Journal of Bocial Psyohology", 1950, s. 215, R. B. Cattel, Concepts and Methods in the Measitrement of Group Syntality, „Psychological Heview", 1955, s. 96 i n. J. Gantzel, wyd. eyt., s. 303 i n. R. B. Cattel, The Principle of Culture Patterns, s. 234 I o. J. Gantzel, wyd. eyt., s. 292. INDEKS Adler Max 34, 93, 94, 3X Anschiitz Ottomar 122 Allport Gordon W. 325 Almond Gabriel 340 Aragon JLouis 93 Aron Raymond 140, SS8, 333 Arne Thomas A. 33E Arrabal Fcrnando 101 Arystoteles 24 Ayata Baltazar 18S Babel Izaak 107 Bach Richard 139 Bach mann Peter 116 Baden Powell Robert of Gil- well 92 Bakunin Michai³ A. 33, 34 Barnes Henry Elmer 63, 63, 310, 334 Barraelough Geoflrey 333 Baszkiewicz Jan 83, 333. 334 Bauer Otto 94, 336 Benedict Ruth 3is, 318 Benham A. B. 340 Beniamin Walter 141, 142, 337 Bergson Benri 57 Bernhardi Friedrich von 3fi Bl smar ci: Otto von 121, 3on Blan¹ul Louis Auguste 33, 3* Bloeh Jan Gotllb 25, 34, 47—52, 60. 61, 131, 334 Bliieher Gebhard Leberecht von 119, IM Bodart Gaston 41 Bodin Jean 25, 26, 313 Brjgardus Stephen E. 319 Boltin JewgienlJ Arsen Je wica 127 Bonaparte Ludwik 32 Bonaparte Napoleon (I), patrz Napoleon I Bonaparte Charles Louis Napoleon (III), patrz Napoleon III Borelli Gioranni Alftinso 199 Bossuet Jac¹ues Bænigne 132 Boulding Kenneth Ewart 55, 223, 24S, 250, 290—29S, 303, SC4, 339, 340 Bracher Karl-Dletrich 145, 150, 336, 337 Brentano Ludwig Joseph (Lu- Jo) 55 Briand Aristide 144, 195 Briggs Bruce B. 221 Broek Peter 132 Brody Richard A. 340 Brogan Denls W, 315, 34B Broniewski W³adys³aw 93 Buchanan Willlam 3J0 Buckreis Adam 77, 338 Burkê Edmund 31 Byran George Gordon 81 Caesar Caius lulius 316 Ca eta no Marcello 139 Caillois Roger 56 Cantril Hadley 320 341 Carliis, Don Carlos Maria J. 101 Carlyle Tli o mas 31 Cattel Haymond B. 324—330, 34g Cel sus Aulus Cornelius 210 Cli a m ber³a In Arthur Neville 70, 134. 273 Chomsky Noam 323, 324 Celinê Louis Ferdinand 110 Clausewitz Karl von 27, 35—38, 89, 155, m, 167, 196. 216, 365, 274, 289 Clemenceau Georges 78 Comte August 48, 53, 151 Conrad Joseph (wiaœæ. Korze- niowski Teodor Józef Konrad) 106 Corles Donoso Huan 152 Craig Gordon A. 127, J36 Crane Stephen 106 Cristoph James B. 340 Crown S. 320 Cruce Emeric 25 Czechowicz Józef 133 CzSalow Walery 20³ Daladier Edouard IS4 Dar win Charles 53 D¹browa S³awomir 333 Deat Marcel 134 Delbrtlck Hans 46, 47 Denfert-Rochereau Pierre- -Philippe 115 Deutsch Kurl W. 249, 300, 301, 303, 322 Donnê John 245 Dostojewski Fioiior M. 92 Dreyfus Alfred 122 Dreyse Johann Nikolaus von 35 Dunant Henri 44, 45 Durkhelm Emile 56 Duroselle jean-Baptiste 340 EcMiardt William 12S Einstein Albert 60, 334 Enfantin Barthelemy 41 Engels Friedrich 29, 30, 33—35, 37, 33—42, 49, 74, 82, 39, J0, 93, 117, 288, 308—310, 334, 335, 340 Erazm z Rotterdamu 25 Eysenck Hans JUrgen 320 Fest Joachim C. 80 Fiore Quentin 290 Fischer Fritz 82, 63 Fitzmaurice Gerald 338 Franco Francisco 100, 101, 139 Frank Flans 138 Freud Slgmund 54, 58—60, 62, fiB, 67, 311, 312, 334 Freund Julie n 140 Friedrich Karl Joachim 24, 333 Frydcrylc II Wielki UB, I2B Fryderyk Wilhelm {Wielki Elektor) 117 Fryderyk Wilhelm III 73 Fucks Wilhelm 303 Fuller Jonn F.C. Sl Fulton 183 Galtung Johan 302—304, 339 Ganlzel Jiirgen 28B, 301, 329, 333, 335, 338, 339, 340 Gaulle CHarles Andrœ de 61, 140 Gasotte Pierre 118 Geyer Florian 120. 121 Gentilis Albericus 162, 186 GÊSelc Jan Tadeusz 335 Giffard Henri 202 Glaser Ernest 133 Gneisenau August Neidhardt von 120, 121 Goækowski Janusz 335 G0II2 Colmar von der 36 Gooch George peabody 63 Goormaghtigh Jolin Victor 322 Gofer Geoffrey 315 Granahan George 320 Grncjusz IGrotius) Hugo 24, S5, 162, 186, 1S7 Grodek Andrzej *7 Grzybowski Konstanty 141, 336 Guroplowlez Ludwik 34 Guynemer Georges 205 342 Haeckel Ernst 53 Haffner Sebastian 31g Hal Id we 11 John H. 336 Hartley Eugene L. 319 Iiegel Georg Wilhelm Fried- rieh 27, 31, B3, 147, 188, 313 Hemingway Ernest 245, 247 Hindenburg Paul von Bene- ckendorff 79 Hitler Aflolf 61, 70, 80, 123, 134, 138, 139, 145, 148, 158, 159, 185, 182, 206, 208, iii, 273, 292, 307, 336, 338 Ilobbes Thomas 25, 84, 152, 153, 163, 163 Hol er Andreas 120 Hofer Eric 314 Holsti Kalevi J. 126 Hook Sydney KB Huntington Samuel 125 Illakowiczówna Kazimiera 133 Janowitz Morris 125 Jaures Jean 32, 133 Jolmson-Mcjrrison A my 2C4 Junger Ernst 56, 140, 171, 172, 337 Kahn Herman 136, 215—229, 232, 233, 259, 290, 303, 338, 338 Kant Immanuel 27, 186, 324 Kap³an Abraham 67 Kap³an Mor ton 236, 322 Karo! Wielki 64 Kautsky Karol 94, 95 Kecskemeti Paul 126 Kelles-Krauz Kazimierz B4, 335 Kellogg Frank Billlngs 144, 195 Kelsen Hans 188 Kende Istvan 20, 21, 267, 293, 333 Kipling Rudyard 44 Klineberg Frank L. 272, 276, 877, 279, K6 Klineberg Otto 320 Kloskowska Antonina 335 Kmita Jerzy 251 Kolberg Oskar 72 < Ko³czak Aleksander W. 170 Koœciuszko Tadeusz 82, 115 Kraft George L. 262, 367 Krzy¿anowski Adam 42, 334 La Fayette Marie Joseph 82 Lammers Hans Hcinrich 138 Lasswell Harold Dwight 68—63, 76, 102, 124, 125, 259, 272, 317, 335 Lazarsleld Paul F. 125, 276 Leites Nathan 126, 259 Lenin Wladimir Iljicz (w³aœc